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Sourcing Overview

Farryn Melton
Farryn Melton

CPO and Senior Vice President Global Procurement

"As strategic partners to the business, Global Procurement delivers value through innovative sourcing solutions and optimal supplier relationships. We are committed to ensuring the highest ethics, fostering supplier diversity, enabling sustainability, and acting in the best interests of BMS and our stakeholders."

What is Global Procurement's role in the Company?

In collaboration with the business, Global Procurement is accountable for supplier selection and assignment of preferred suppliers for many categories of spend. In this capacity, we:  

  • function as change agents that drive world-class strategies;
  • identify and leverage emerging trends and sustainable opportunities;  
  • deliver end-to-end solutions, evaluate in-sour​ce/out-source options, consider total cost/value of ownership;
  • balance speed with rigor, assure consistency, enable compliance, and drive continuous improvement;
  • integrate supplier management programs that ensure performance, innovation, joint process improvement, quality, service levels, supply assurance, compliance, and risk management that meet our company's standards.

Global Procurement's Strategy and Process

Our Global Procurement professionals have deep category knowledge. As such, we are organized functionally, primarily by the type of goods/services purchased. This alignment ensures rigor and consistency of sourcing in the supplier selection process.

These functional areas include:

  • Research and Development;
  • Corporate Goods & Services;
  • Commercial and International Sourcing;
  • Global Manufacturing & Supply.