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Payment Terms and Remittance information

Payment Terms

Payment terms are defined on each Purchase Order and our standard terms for every purchase order is NET 90 days.

Payments terms are calculated from the original date of the invoice (provided the invoice is received and processed in a timely manner).

Payments are made to our suppliers on Tuesday and Thursday of each week. Invoices that are due to be paid in between these days will be included on the earliest payment run, for example invoice due on Wednesday will be paid on the Tuesday before.


Electronic Payment Services

​​​This facility allows you to change the delivery method for receiving your remittance. If you fill out the details below, we will arrange to communicate all future payment remittances via e-mail (electronic​​ally):

  • Your company vendor number with Bristol-Myers Squibb
  • Your email address for remittance
  • Name of contact at your company & Telephone number

Please email these details to efss.front-office@bms.com

The benefits to you are: -

1) Much faster notification, and in most cases receiving the information before the funds arrive.
2) The elimination of lost remittance in the postal system.

It will be important that you re-send any changes to the e-mail address, to ensure continuity of delivery. This can be done by advising us via the email efss.front-office@bms.com