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How We Do Business

Global Procurement's Purchasing Policy

To Our Valued Suppliers: 

Bristol-Myers Squibb routinely revises its purchasing policy in order to improve the supplier contracting process. Critical aspects of the policy are listed below. 

The policy states that:

"The Global Procurement (GP) organization shall establish strategies for the procurement of goods and/or services on behalf of the Company’s Business Units (BU) and Staff Functions aligned with business strategy and considering future needs for cost management, innovation, and risk vs. reward. GP will collaborate with the BU on the development of sourcing strategies including make vs. buy options, insource/outsource (selective integration, joint venture) opportunities, and will advise on recommendations. GP will establish and manage the business processes, standards, and discipline related to BMS purchasing activities. Global Procurement shall work collaboratively with Business Units and Staff Functions to understand business objectives, specifications, requirements and impact of supply risk. Global Procurement shall have the final decision-making authority regarding supplier selection, with advice from the BU."

To summarize the direct impact of the policy on suppliers: 

All communications related to the supplier selection process and discussions about commercial terms shall be directed through the purchasing organization (Global Procurement).

Our selection of suppliers will be made on the basis of the total value they will provide to the company. Suppliers who are also company customers will receive no advantage in company purchasing decisions. Purchases and sales shall be viewed independently and analyzed solely on the basis of their impact on the company's business. 

Additional important information: 

Only a valid Bristol-Myers Squibb purchase/service order number can authorize a supplier to initiate work. Any supplier initiating work without a valid Bristol-Myers Squibb purchase/service order number is at risk for payment. 

Accounts Payable will NOT process invoices that do not reference a valid Bristol-Myers Squibb purchase/service order number. 

It is important to emphasize that compliance to this policy will help both Bristol-Myers Squibb and our valued suppliers to (1) shorten procurement cycle times and (2) improve operating efficiencies by ensuring purchasing is involved early in the process. Failure to comply with the policy may result in significant delays in payment processing and will jeopardize future business opportunities with Bristol-Myers Squibb. 

Your conscientious cooperation in supporting and adhering to the Bristol-Myers Squibb Purchasing Policy is greatly appreciated.